My previous cat loved Royal Canin. But they recently were one of the many involved in the melamine poisoning of many pets. My cat died shortly thereafter of acute kidney failure, but it turned out to be unrelated.

I've recently bough two Ocicat kittens and they are eating science diet kitten on demand, and split a can of Fancy Feaste (aka "kitty cocaine") in the morning and evening. There are a LOT of flavors to choose from, I recommend buying a handful and see what your cat likes, and then just buy flats of it - cats actually do NOT like variety in their foods. Both vets I talked with encouraged me to go this route with dry on demand with limited cans so the cats were getting fully hydrated as they sometimes do not when on only kibble. It's also important to make sure your cat has canned food they like in case they need to go with canned for awhile due to medical reasons, or in case they just plain decide they don't like what they eat regularly and need to change in a hurry, to have something else you already know they like.

I also have them on a Pet Fountain which I highly recommend. It's a great way to encourage cats to drink regularly, all cats love drinking from running water. Get the extra tank on the back or you will be filling it constantly. You can get the water filters from any pet store, they're just aquatic water filters. Don't bother fighting the lid to refill it, just fill it through the hole on the bottom.

I work for the Department of Redundancy Department