Originally Posted By: ryck
- 45,000 Americans die each year because they can't afford medical care
- Of the 750,000 personal bankruptcies in the US last year, 70% were because of the cost of getting health care
- 80% of that 70% were covered by healthcare plans

QFT. [i've heard those numbers as well and am inclined to think they're accurate, if not conservative (pardon the expression).]

Originally Posted By: ryck
I suppose is because so much of the "information media" is controlled by the right wing.

Not really... it's the good old greenback that rules the roost. Even the so-called liberal elite (with the exception of PBS) is concerned mainly with their bottom line... so they don't want to depress the viewership or pi$$ off the sponsership. [just watching the evening news for example: every single commercial will be for some drug (or insurance) company.]

EDIT: just had a flashback... i remember watching the Flintstones (i.e., the original airings), and who was the sponser? Winston. (Winston tastes good, like a - - cigarette should). According to the wiki, i was between 5 and 11.


Glad you survived that cardiac ordeal. [my dad has had a double —and then like 10 years later —a quadruple bypass.]

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 03/01/10 05:20 AM. Reason: cough cough