I don't suppose everyone had time to sit through (the entire 6 hours? of) Obama's recent Health Care Summit, held on Feb. 25th at "Blair House". Apparently the bloggers found it boring, and (as usual) the broadcast media focused on brief moments containing juicy sound bytes and entertaining personality clashes, which they then air repeatedly. So... probably most folks would conclude there weren't any moments of substance in the entire summit.

I personally found at least 2 speakers saying stuff worth viewing, so i present links to their segments. (an extra YouTube url is also included, in case the indexing at C-SPAN goofs up):
  1. <Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY)> (youtube)

    ^ her point about the U.S. competing with foreign corporations who aren't financially burdened by heath care for their employees (since those costs are shared by "society") is quite valid. Nothing new really, as her reference to Iacocca indicates... but somehow forgotten.

  2. <Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN)> (youtube)

    ^ never heard of that guy... but he seemed pretty tuned-in, for a politician.

Anyway, no big news here. I just posted those moments since they'll never get the kind of media coverage as the clever little zingers exchanged between Obama and McCain.

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 02/27/10 08:51 PM.