Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis
interesting (spot-on) blog: How to compete with iPad

Mostly spot-on, anyhow. Matt's still guilty, I think, of thinking in primitive divisions: geeks who "get it," geeks who don't get it, and the vast legion of non-technical folks for whom the hiding of the under-the-hood stuff is a game-changer. (Among these geeks who "get it," every non-geek, apparently, is a grandmother who just wants to get the emailed photos of the grandkids.)

Personally, I think a lot of my friends and colleagues are neither geeks nor technophobes; they do understand enough to feel reasonably comfortable with desktop or laptop computers, and if they'd like an iPad, that has as much to do with its ability to address a different set of needs as with its "layer of abstraction" interface.

Still, the post is not only perceptive and articulate, it also offers that rarest of all internet experiences: a lengthy comment thread, composed almost entirely of equally perceptive and articulate viewpoints, which stays on topic throughout. (I didn't test for moderation by attempting a comment of my own, preferring to believe that communities of non-inflammatory discussers do occur in the wild, on occasion.)

dkmarsh—member, FineTunedMac Co-op Board of Directors