Originally Posted By: Ira L
Those are interesting observations and distinctions you are making. Perhaps the original poster's fonts are indeed from a smaller company and that is the source of his her problems.

Too bad, but perhaps she could experiment and see if only certain of the specialized fonts are causing issues. Of course, that would be for our collective curiosity and not necessarily resolve his her problems.

Hmm, i just consulted Character Palette for this item: ♫

It seems to be included in several fonts:
Andale Mono
Apple Symbols
Courier New
Times New Roman

...but -- in other words -- it's not included in the other fonts.

When we try to force another font to display it, things appear to work... but actually, OSX is doing a substitution under the hood. For those particular eighth notes then, it seems to default to using "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN" (when we try to apply some other font, such as Lucida Grande).

Interestingly, several of those fonts are something that Windows users should already have. Perhaps there's a flaw in the way the email gets transported (character encoding), or perhaps Windows isn't as thoughtful as OSX, where that font substitution business is concerned. [note that: these forums use Trebuchet MS (or Georgia or Courier) for its fonts... so the fact that we can *see* those eighth notes in Safari must mean that OSX is doing a substitution within this post right now!]

(btw, STHeiti is an attractive font i've never noticed before)

I guess maybe what i'm saying is this: if those are the "musical notes" you were sending plantsower, perhaps applying a specific font within the email... such as Arial or Times New Roman (which a Windows user is likely to have), and making sure you're sending html (not plain-text emails), then maybe (MAYBE) the receiving computer will stand a better chance of properly displaying ♫ .

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 01/24/10 06:00 AM.