I encountered the same problem you describe. I'll see if i can get it working... but i think i just cheated (and removed the strange parts) when i had trouble.

Let's see...

  1. This is the first item in a numbered list.

    I can use returns to get an empty line between paragraphs/sentences within an item.

    As shown with item 2 immediately below, however, returns alone won't produce a blank line between items.
  2. This is the second item. One might think entering returns between items would work the usual way, as it does within an item. Instead, the software strips out the ones between items when you submit the post, so no white space shows up between items 1 and 2 here...and the list gets harder to follow, to my eye anyway.

    (Returns still work fine within an item though.)

  3. Using returns and a tagged space before this third item, I can force a blank line to appear between items 2 and 3 to improve readability. (*See "tagged space" note at end of post.)

  4. This is the fourth item, with a forced blank line between it and item 3.
    1. So, it takes a bit of extra effort but it's possible to put some spacing between items to produce a list that's easier to read.
    2. But...if I do that and also include a list within a list like I am here in item 4, things go haywire. Look what happens when I now try to continue with spacing between items in the main list:

  5. When I use the returns-and-tagged-space trick again to try to have an empty line between items 4 and 5, that blank line is stripped out. Worse, the content I've entered for item 5 doesn't show up there but instead appears as item 6...despite the fact that I haven't even entered a sixth.

    At least there's a blank line between 5 and 6. tongue

Okay, looks like the way to cheat is by adding the extra tagged space within the sublist, *after* item b) before its closing [/list] tag --- not in the main list (before item 5):
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
    1. subitem 1
    2. subitem 2

      [i] [/i] <--tags are here, within the sublist [/list]
  5. five

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 01/13/10 08:18 AM. Reason: recounted :-)