Originally Posted By: artie505
Mystery solved... I had usurped ^C to launch Calq.
I changed ^C to ⌥C, and Terminal now functions as expected.
Thanks for getting me thinking. smile

Okay... now let me try to have you rethink your keyboard shortcuts then: do not choose simple (single modifier) combinations.
  1. By using ^C before, you blocked a vital Terminal function (and "readline" offers many ctrl-char combos... ctrl-R being one of my favorites).

  2. By using ⌥C now, you probably can't type a cedilla on a lowercase c: façade

And don't think that readline/emacs shortcuts are limited to Terminal. Any Cocoa app (such as TextEdit) honors them. E.g., ctrl-A to move cursor to the beginning of a paragraph, ctrl-E to move to the end of a paragraph. I did it just now, while typing this reply in Safari. [to learn more than anybody ever wanted to know about that stuff, see: "Customize the Cocoa text binding system" -- edit: here is the <default list> also linked to in that article.]

So... for creating keyboard shortcuts to launch apps, etc., use ctrl-shift (or ctrl-command, or command-shift, or ctrl-option, or ctrl-option-command, etc) for your modifiers.

Originally Posted By: artie505
Unfortunately, "du" doesn't run long enough for me to have enough time to enter ^C,

Must be a really tiny home folder, or a really (really!) fast Mac... or both.
Here's my (slow) PowerBook G4...
$ time du -sh ~
2.8G	/Users/halito

real	0m9.342s
user	0m0.411s
sys	0m6.104s

...and that's the 2nd run. First run took 18 seconds! (lots o' files)

Originally Posted By: artie505
What does that-all mean?

If the exit code is 130 it means the process terminated due to receiving an INT signal, which is what ctrl-C sends. (i.e., a specific interprocess communication signal called "interrupt" and numbered 2. The 130 comes about by adding 128 + 2. It all has to do with the Bash shell, and which exit code values are allowed and what the reserved ones indicate).

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 01/12/10 10:42 PM.