Originally Posted by joemikeb
One minor annoyance in Ventura has been the disappearance of the option to hide login items. (For security purposes all login items appear on the desktop when launched, so the user knows they are there and running.) While I was looking at Marcel Bresink's latest offerings I discovered an only available from the app store app called Autostarter that for 99ยข allows login items to be hidden on launch and restores both the ability to control the order in which they launch. Those apps that self-insert themselves into login items have to be manually removed from System Settings > General > login items and entered on the list of Autostarter apps, but, for myself, I am glad that I can once again hide login items.
I was so happy to see that my login items are now in alpha order - as I've craved since Apple removed our ability to re-order them - that I never realized the check boxes have been removed. For what it's worth, though, my items that were set to hide on launch in Big Sur still do not appear on my desktop after a restart in Monterrey.

As for "the ability to control the order in which [login items] launch," I haven't tried to take advantage of that feature in MANY years...MANY OS versions, but it never worked when I tried.

Thanks for the Autostarter link.

The new Great Equalizer is the SEND button.

In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire