There have been numerous popups in Ventura requesting password entry, and I admit I too was annoyed until I realized it is Apple's way of mitigating the risk inherent in third-party apps that Apple has no opportunity to vet. The distinction between Apple applications, App Store and identified developer applications, and third-party applications has been significantly sharpened. Apps that have not been vetted must request access to each system resource they use and granting that access requires specific app-by-app and resource-by-resource permission which requires the user's password for verification as it is a System Settings change. Some developers recognizing this change will ask for all the needed permissions the first time the app is launched. Others either have not updated their app or have chosen to allow this to occur for each resource, which is very annoying. I may have become accustomed to the change, but I don’t notice it nearly as much now as I did back in July. I do know that I have learned to expect a new spate of user password entry any time I install a new app that needs access to any system resource, and occasionally after a Ventura update.

Originally Posted by artie505
I'm still experiencing the hesitation, but it occurs less frequently and is less pronounced that it was in Monterey.

I am curious, can you describe the hesitation?

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