A more down to Earth impression of Ventura than joemike has heretofore given us...
  • The progress bar for the installation started out at 59 minutes, but the process took only 27.
  • Most important, my MBP's "hesitating" to process input, which has plagued me since I upgraded to Monterey, has been mostly cured. (*)
  • The extensions and legacy/unsigned apps I feared would stop working are all working as expected.
  • Systems Settings is confusing as all get-out at first, but begins to make sense after a while. The hardest part of the learning curve arises from relocated items, which force you to search for stuff that used to be "right there."
  • The Login Items pane has FINALLY been rendered in alphabetical order! Yay!
  • My Input Source menu bar icon which morphed from an American flag to a generic icon, back to a flag when I added a second source, to US in an ugly black box in Monterey, has become an A in an ugly black box.
  • For some reason that's incomprehensible to me, the background color of the graphs at the bottom of /Apps/Utilities/Activity Monitor > Energy has been changed from a pleasant light green to an unpleasant drab green. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
At any rate, I'm a happy camper.

(*) I still get some hesitation, but I'm not certain that it's the same issue, and at any rate, it's very significantly less.

The new Great Equalizer is the SEND button.

In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire