V1 is miles beyond most of us on this kind of stuff


Heh, no I just have a lot of "I've seen something like that before" under my belt. The mac was probably trying to look over the jawbone thingie and decided it looked just enough like a bootable device to try to negotiate with it while hunting for the boot volume indicated in PRAM, and got stuck in the process. I see this quite a bit with malfunctioning optical and hard drives. This is the first non block device I've seen cause similar results.

I see it most often with a failing hard drive that won't even let me put the mac in target mode or the boot picker. (just hangs on grey screen, with no mouse, which is important) Then unplug the HD and now it will go into target or select. Occasionally dead ODDs will have that same issue.

I work for the Department of Redundancy Department