Bean uses the same .RTFD (Rich Text Formatting Directory) as Apple's Text Edit and is arguably the most universal formatted file format. I don't know what XWord's native file format is but it dies support Rich Text Format. Try Control+click (right click) a .bean file in Finder and selecting Open With… > XWord. If that works and you can edit the file there are three options for converting your .bean files to XWord.
  1. Right click a .Bean file in Finder, select Get Info from the context menu, under "Open with" select XWord, Click "Change All…" or...
  2. Find all your .bean files and change their extension to whatever the XWord extension is or...
  3. Right click each of your .bean files and Open with… XWord then do a Save as… and save them as an Xword file then delete the .bean file.

Option a is clearly the easiest and "should" work. The only downside being both .bean and XWord files will automatically open with XWord.

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein