> AFAIK - I've read "Inside 9/11 What Really Happened" by Der Spiegel, the 9/11 hijackers concentrated on learning how to change course in mid air. Not insisting that they did not need to know how to land.

Why the hell even mention that???!!!

The point was that those guys did not want to learn how to "fly" planes, only to maneuver in mid-air, and the FBI agent who raised the issue was told that his fears were inconsequential, and they were not followed up on.

Security since the WTC went down has been based not on what terrorists may be expected to do, but on what they've already done. (It's a darn good thing that what'sisname hid that bomb in his shoe and not in his jockstrap!)

By way of example, an individual with a few fine point Bic Stick pens and hi-top sneakers with laces is an armed camp, but airline security can be guaranteed to look past that until someone gets stabbed to death or garroted.

The new Great Equalizer is the SEND button.

In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire