In less than a month, the attack on the USA government went from the “most heinous domestic attack since the Civil War” to “Meh, no big deal.”

I remember well all the fuss that was made about Clinton’s impeachment in the 90s because he lied about his marital infidelities. I realize, grammatically speaking, erection and insurrection may sound very similar to the untrained ear. But even the dimmest Republican senator must be able to see the vast differences between the former and the latter with regard to the actual impact upon the nation - whether looking from within or outside its borders.

A conviction, IMHO, is a “must do” if they hope to salvage whatever is left of a party in shambles. Siding with Trump - which, in effect, is what a “not guilty” verdict would show - would only prolong his influence and delay any kind of recovery for the party. Do Republicans not see this or, as of last count, do 45 politicians just not care about anything other than their individual careers?

It boggles the mind.