I clearly remember, with fond memories, using my trusted Apple IIE back in the early to mid 80's. I started working at a bank in 1982, and had on call responsibilities. I actually got to play around with one of the original Macs when they first came out, but still could not wait to get home and use my IIE. I recall the excitement when I started receiving the expansion cards that plugged into slots inside the IIE, including the one for the modem. And that one in particular allowed me to use my IIE to dial into the Honeywell mainframe at the bank (and later on an IBM machine) and I was able to perform the necessary programming to resolve issues. Man, those memories are still as vivid as ever!

Another exciting time was when I purchased a 5 1/4" Duo Disk drive (along with the necessary expansion card). Having the ability to use 2 5 1/4" disks was the bomb!