Originally Posted By: artie505
And another one...from t_ogihara, developer of ToyViewer, which turned up when I visited hir website.

You visited a site and the site set a cookie...sounds normal to me, in keeping with your Safari settings and unrelated to FTM or this thread.

Originally Posted By: artie505
I just remembered that I've overlooked posting that I get cookies from YouTube any time I visit a thread that includes a video, regardless of whether or not I play it.

My cookie knowledge is minimal so I can't offer any definitive info. Apparently though, avatars hosted on mac.com sites and YouTube videos embedded in posts make calls to the respective sites and for some reason those calls aren't perceived as being to other sites. The latter strikes me as odd, but FWIW the behavior isn't limited to Safari or UBBT. For instance, I have Camino configured to "Accept cookies only from sites I visit" and "Ask me before accepting each cookie" and sometimes when Googling I get the such-and-such wants to set a cookie dialog for a site that's in the search results.

Originally Posted By: artie505
I understand the general functionality of cookies, but what purpose do those in question in this thread serve?

Who is collecting what information, and to what end?

Any collecting is being done by the site that sets the cookie. In some cases the name of a cookie gives a clue to its purpose but what info mac.com or YouTube are tracking I don't know.

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