Thanks all update. Jon, did not touch settings mouse. I don't think that is relevant for logitch.

Freelance, I don't see secondary click on right side. I'm on Catalina.


The 3rd final one to come in: Anywhere 2S does work with both laptop and desktop; so I may keep this and finally go cordless. I guess for those buttons to work one needs to download their software?

The more robust MX master 2S still wont work connect with laptop but does with desktop. I may keep it for desktop only for the horizontal scroll which is cool with Excel files

Pity the Marothon 705 still wont work with either. Has nice size, but wont work, Only one with removable battery stystem. They provide 2 duracells and I've tested them and good batteries, I even tested with brand new duracells still wont connect. Oddly, not sure relasted, I swith that one one, green light come on and then goes off in 10 seconds. Baffling.

Thanks Joe, i'm lost on gestures etc, I so used to great logitech button that do stuff, a 3rd party app can take a gesture and launch an app ? Hard to get head around.. Have used better touch tool to launch apps? Again, if I don't feel button hard for me to understand how an app will launch..