OK. So, I redid some steps and clicked the minus signs and clicked apply. It did it's thing and then said it failed. This is what my D/U shows now: https://imgur.com/0PgM5Ue

I can click erase now though but will wait upon further instructions since something failed. I don't want to make this worse than it is.

Update: I redid some of the steps and then it took, so now I am ready to erase my HD. My question is this: Since my HD says it has 121.33 gb of space, does it mean that Sierra is still on it? If so, why do I erase since the other two partitions are not showing anymore? Or is it already erased, so then why erase? Silly questions if you know the answer, but I don't. I am ready to erase and then port back my Sierra 2015 from my ext drive, just wondering about this first.

Originally Posted by joemikeb
🤬🤯⚡️Try this,

Step III.A' Select Catalina and click UnMount on the Disk Utility tool bar
Step III.A'' Select Mojave and click UnMount on the Disk Utility tool bar
go to Step III.B

By-the-way I'm glad you had no trouble getting the download. I had not tried that relatively new iCloud feature before and wasn't completely sure how it works. 👍

MacBook Pro - M2, Ventura 13.6
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Firefox 116.0.2
iPhone 7 Version 15.8