I typed in "clear" into Terminal to clear it per instructions on the net. It didn't work. I still got this:


wtmp begins Wed Jul 3 09:52
MacBook-Pro:~ (my name)$ MacBook-Pro:~ (my name)$ sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk1 of=/dev/null conv=noerror bs=5120
-bash: MacBook-Pro:~: command not found
MacBook-Pro:~ (my name)$ Password:
-bash: Password:: command not found
MacBook-Pro:~ (my name)$ dd: /dev/rdisk1: No such file or directory
-bash: dd:: command not found
MacBook-Pro:~ (my name)$ clear


Originally Posted By: artie505
Originally Posted By: plantsower
OK. So, I attach the external drive but I don't boot into it by using the option key. I just connect it to my computer and then run terminal.

That's correct.

MacBook Pro - M2, Ventura 13.6
Safari Tech Prev 17.0
Safari 16.6
Firefox 116.0.2
iPhone 7 Version 15.8