Originally Posted By: artie505
Did the end of each separate freeze coincide with TM, or did one freeze last long enough for you to experience it on more than one website? I don't run TM, so I can't look at this from that angle, but I"ll see if I can dream up some sort of analog for it.

Each incident lasted anywhere from thirty seconds to a minute and then would quit. I did notice during one episode that both the mouse and trackpad reported re-connecting to bluetooth. I can't reconcile a bluetooth disconnect with the fact I could use the mouse and trackpad to scroll but not click. 🤔

Originally Posted By: artie505
I've now run into the glitch on wunderground.com in addition to FTM.

I've had Activity Monitor on my desktop, but it didn't show anything.

I"m trying to quantify this, but it's shifty.

I didn't see anything in Activity Monitor either. Based on Freelance's suggestion I used TinkerTool System to flush the font caches and I haven't seen the problem since, but it is sufficiently intermittent that doesn't necessarilly mean anything. Tinkertool System has a tool that permits deactivating selected application cache files, testing and then restoring or discarding the various application caches as appropriate. I am going to try that if this continues to happen only in Safari.

It has occurred to me that the association with Safari/Safari Technology Preview could simply be because it is the app I spend the most time using.

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— Albert Einstein