I think Warren may value her own agenda more highly than the good of the party; will she be willing to subordinate that agenda to Biden, the other moderates, and their platform as she'd have to do as both nominated and elected VP?

I'm happy to have her still in there taking delegates from Sanders, but as VP candidate, while even the illusion of her agenda would certainly help coalesce the entire party behind Biden, its spectre might not resonate all that well with the Never Trumpers...the swing bloc in this election...

Originally Posted By: gelber
Now if he'd only lose the gaffes.

Those gaffes scare the bejeezus out of me, because they suggest the potentiality of President Warren if your scenario comes to pass.

But I'd LOVE to hear her debate Pence! They'll have to carry what's left of him from the stage in a hazardous waste bag.

Afterthought: Is it actually possible that the Dems need Warren on the ticket to get her and Sanders's followings to vote against Trump knowing what they now know about him?

Last edited by artie505; 03/05/20 11:16 AM. Reason: Afterthought

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In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire