Originally Posted By: MacManiac
I'm not a Mod on this forum, thus I can't make any changes directly.....I personally find the title of this thread unsettling and I'm not comfortable with it, however, the content of the thread (with a couple course-corrections through appropriate Moderating) has remained within the guidelines and to close it would be inappropriate.
If you want to lobby for a title change, I would support that wholeheartedly!

The introductory word "maybe" was chosen to indicate that the intent of the title is clearly to be construed as a musing (not a direction or call to action) and the thread to be strictly opinion. For it to be interpreted otherwise is disingenuous.
[Moreover, given that today is the 56th anniversary of one of the most disastrous moments in history, a hiatus in the discussion is perhaps appropriate.]
Moving right along ....