Originally Posted By: kevs
Laptop connected not with cable, but through technology ATT put in which beams the signal through the air and walls, not sure what to call it.

For all practical. purposes that is WiFi although it may be using proprietary technology and channels

Originally Posted By: keys
desktop is corded ethernet.

Therein lies the difference in performance and you are unlikely to ever be able to change it with the AT&T equipment. The corded ethernet will always be
  • faster
  • more reliable
  • have more bandwidth
The AT&T beamed signal will always
  • have less bandwidth (think of bandwidth as the lanes on a multilane highway and the more lanes (bandwidth) you have the more data that can be carried at the same time.)
  • be slower (the data simply cannot move as fast)
  • be more subject to interference from neighbors AT&T devices

Originally Posted By: keys
Yes, TV is with laptop and display in kitchen.

There is no wifi icon on menu bar as its not wifi.

I assume there is an AT&T network connector device plugged into your laptop which would mean you are getting the WiFi signal through a USB device and not from the WiFi receiver built into your laptop. If you go to System Preferences > Network on your laptop it will indicate where your internet connection is coming from. That would be interesting to know.
Originally Posted By: keys
I don't think launch agents matter, as then it reverts to excellent rating that is still there. When bad it says ambiguous processes, usually kernals are too big.

I agree, but you still might want to get rid of some of the detritus. If nothing else your system will boot faster. 😳

If I am correct in my assessment you have three choices:
  1. Live with it
  2. Call AT&T and insist that a technician come to your house to fix the problem. At that point, I have no idea how much leeway the technician has to make changes and improve the performance at night. (The more documentation you can provide about the problem the more likely you are to get a satisfactory solution.
  3. Invest your own money (a few hundred dollars) to install a better WiFi or ethernet network in your home. I won't go into details about what that would look like at this time, but I am confident it can be done. I have helped others who have inadequate service from the AT&T network in their homes.

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein