Originally Posted By: artie505
Fingerprinting has already been reported on FTM, but in this instance, there's no such thing as too much.

If all I"ve got to worry about is advertisers, I"m cool; my buying is based only on need...NEVER ads! (OK, I'll confess to succumbing to want every once in a while, but never as a result of advertising.)

I have always thought of you as unique, but you may be the only person I have ever encountered who is completely immune to advertising and sales gimmicks. 👏.

As for me, I have to admit to being an impulse buyer and not completely immune to marketing techniques. Turn me loose in a woodworking store and I will inevitably see something on a display that I never knew I needed and somehow it is in my hand when I get to checkout. While I am less subject to impulse buying on-line more than once I have been roped in by the "often purchased with this item" or "others that bought this item also bought…".

But that is not what bothers me. I am concerned about the aggregate amount of data about me that is out there and ripe for exploitation. From the experiences of family and friends that threat is very very real and potentially disastrous.

"All you've got to do is own up to your ignorance
honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to
fill your head with information"
--Walt Disney