Originally Posted By: joemikeb
Another shot to add to the list of booster and or improved vaccines ....

Not if you're in the age-exempt cohort (as described in the article and as you would seem to be).
The definitive way to determine your immune status for any virus-caused disease is to have your antibody titer vis-à-vis same determined (ie, simple blood test).*

(* Back in the '60s, when I was exposed to mumps as an adult — not a nice disease in males — I had my antibody titer determined and found that I was immune, which meant that I had been exposed to mumps as a child even though I had never been visibly ill with same [while my sister had a full-blown bout of mumps].
To round out this aside, antibody titers determined in the past decade indicate that I still have immunity to mumps and measles, the latter also must have presented in childhood with very mild, if any, disease symptoms of which I have no memory.)