Originally Posted By: JM Hanes
The guy needs his head examined by a physiologist.

I'm sensing a certain disciplinary confusion here, but since Feynman is dead as a doornail, I don't think anybody will be examining his head any time soon, unless he left his brain to science.

A linguist could, deconstruct his choice of language and with some measure of accuracy predict what may be said on most subjects, given his success, ego, and lack of tools to do someone else's job on a professional scientific level.

I recommend Linguistics 101, if that's really the kind of thing you think linguists do.

OK, the guy needed to have his head examined....is what I should have written.

Thanks for the link on Linguistics, I was thinking of something else when i wrote that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK48m7uVxz8 it could have been better articulated.

Last edited by sandbox; 10/19/09 07:41 PM.