Originally Posted By: grelber
Not so. Sometimes it really gets under the skins of these mostly off-shore scum. It makes me feel good no matter what.

Wrong target. The poor schnook that is on the other end is in all likelihood just somebody who is trying desperately to get by and is making way less than minimum wage (if there is a minimum wage where they are). The real scum is the person(s) who setup the scam. They are the ones that blatantly ignore the law, both state and federal, have the technology to scam the phone numbers, etc. You can vent all you want at the person in the boiler room but if they quit there are 1,000 more desperate people waiting to take the job even though they know or suspect what they do is loathsome sleaze.

Given the vagaries of international law it is may be the only way to stop this garbage is to pay hackers to go after them and take down their networks and services. Of course that could easily bring retaliation from foreign governments and lead to a cyber war that everyone involved would lose.

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honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to
fill your head with information"
--Walt Disney