Originally Posted By: joemikeb
  • People who move to the area seem to become equally immune to tooth decay after living in the area for four or five years or more
  • I know several [people] who at one time or another started drinking bottled water (mostly for cosmetic reasons), but went back to the local water after they began suffering cavities and other dental problems
All of which leads me to question whose axe the author of your referenced article was grinding?

That's interesting; I had somehow picked up the idea that fluorine was necessary during only the formative years.

Under any circumstances, though, it's waaay too late for my teeth.

My bad for not doing more/better research! I don't remember exactly what I asked Google, but I sure followed the wrong link. (Collective Evolution is its parent site.)

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In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire