Originally Posted By: joemikeb
Notice the woman did not follow the Neti Pot instructions to use boiled or saline water. This serves as an object lesson in the impossibility of providing absolute protection from user stupidity.

I'm reminded of the grounding instructions for my stereo: "The best ground is a metal stake driven into moist earth."

Yeah, fat chance! tongue

But it does cover all bases, and perhaps even gets its point across in the process.

And more specific, i.e. cigarette-like, instructions in this particular instance could have saved the woman's life.

Originally Posted By: joemikeb
You would think this kind of thing would serve to improve the gene pool, but there must be some corollary of Murphy's Law working against that.

Didn't it? There's now one less misfit in and contributing to the gene pool.

The new Great Equalizer is the SEND button.

In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire