I quit using Cookie for a while, maybe a week, and uninstalled it. Then when I returned to using it, there was an update and it seems to be working correctly. I still manage to delete cookies that I want to keep, but at least now there's a manual and some help. It's better than it was. I probably don't have it set up to do what I want, and it can get pretty involved if you so choose.

Oh, for the 1990s when manuals existed, in nice printed, bound books, and I read it anywhere and underlined...

They got rid of the manuals, then they got rid of built-in help. Now they want you to register at their web site's "community help forum". Why do we have to help each other? Why can't the makers of programs make it clear how to use the programs? Why leave it up to David Pogue all the time?

Last edited by deniro; 11/28/18 03:41 PM.