I was trying to be humorous. I don't even want to analyze whether there are in fact similarities.

I've only upgraded the OS once since I've had this computer. Where was the installer? I don't know. When I download programs outside the App store, I always keep the installers. I have a folder here on my hard drive marked "Installers". When I download "apps" from the App store, where are the installers?

I can fault Apple for changing the way they do things when it makes life harder for the customer and when no explanation is given. I can fault Apple for selling products and services that don't work. If there were competition, criticisms would be easier to dismiss. As it is, with little to no competition, Silicon Valley has people by the throat, and I have no qualms telling it like it is, even if that means exaggerating to reveal an inconvenient truth. The fact that I use this forum so often should indicate that I'm interested in solutions, too, not simply judging and complaining. I'm over the hill, now, and I don't have to rely on newspapers to tell me how it is. I have enough experience to see things change for the worse.

Windows users knew this before we did: "Free" on Planet Computer usually means there are strings attached. You can find games on Steam that advertise as "free" but really aren't. Don't cry umbrage at me for disliking deception. Let's also refrain from assuming that these changes come about naturally like changes in the weather. Someone caused them. They had reasons. During my recent years of using Windows, I've learned to be wary of freeware because it comes with the equivalent of a homing device which lets the mothership know what's on your hard drive and how you spend your time. It's not like buying a car or a book where it becomes your property to do with as you please. You don't get the software. You get a license to use the software.

To quote an old song, you're running to stand still. It doesn't take an MBA or a CS degree to figure out the path to wealth that's been used. Devise a system in which to function at its peak you are required to have the latest thing. Next, charge people for getting the latest thing. Then release the latest thing frequently while obsoleting yesterday's thing.

I digress...

I booted into the recovery partition to reinstall the OS. I never tried that before. You are taken to the App store, which has to approve you. I entered my Apple ID and password. Then when I tried to install, I got the message "That item is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."

Last edited by deniro; 08/25/18 04:12 PM.