Originally Posted By: grelber
More to the point: The discussion in the current thread, re external enclosures, is so far beyond my ken that I felt frustrated enough to voice my ignorance by saying "I understand none of what's being said or of what value setting up such configurations would be."

But thanks for your concern.

I am relieved you are backing up regularly and apologize for going so far beyond your ken. To do justice to the topic would require at least a few hundred words and probably some graphic charts and illustrations not to mention research on specific details, and I am not getting paid for the work. If I have some downtime, I might attempt it, but the half life of such a project is measured in months — if not weeks — so even then I would have to consider the cost/benefit to see if it would be worthwhile. But now my wife is interested so that may well tip the scale. I'll let you know if I ever get it finished. tongue

"All you've got to do is own up to your ignorance
honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to
fill your head with information"
--Walt Disney