It occurs to me that threads such as this and lots of others in this an other venues may be exactly what Trump is counting on to keep himself in office. We vent our spleen and disipate our anger and dismay here rather than actually engaging in the political process. Instead of posts about how terrible "he" is we should be attending political rally's, bombarding not only our Congressional representatives and Senators but our governors, state representatives with letters, phone calls, emails and even our physical presence protesting the actions of Trump and his coterie of sycophants. Supporting more rational candidates for office with our time and money. In general getting off our comfortable backsides and getting engaged in the process.

I admit to my guilt. I am a former a Republican, and a member of the NRA for many years, but by my own inaction I tacitly permitted both to be taken over by hard line extremists who in no way represent anything I believe in or stand for. It is time to act, and take back our party and our nation from the extremists. So hopefully I will be doing what I am calling on you to do, quit waiting for someone else to do it and engage or re-engage in the process.

And I am not going to climb down from this soapbox.

"All you've got to do is own up to your ignorance
honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to
fill your head with information"
--Walt Disney