True, and they question their doubt. Belief has doubt without question.

The finality of belief without empirical evidence leaves doubt unquestioned.

In this thread you will see that expressed as faith, and having faith is somehow a license to be unquestioned. "I have a Right to believe what I want" can be heard from their self-proclaimed moral authority. But do they have a right to believe anything without question and proclaim that it holds a truth unknown to those who do not have faith?

I have faith that the next breath of air will be there, but I don't believe that a man in a long white beard who lives upstairs delivered it.

Granted, 6000 years ago it was reasonable to assume that a superman made everything. But today we can understand the atmosphere and break in down to it's elements. If we're interested and not lazy we don't need to say god made air as a matter of faith.

Our natural differences are beyond our control, male or female, tall or short, different colors, languages on so on. By adding a new dimension we create a false dichotomy and new divisions within the faith orientation. You have wars between religions when there shouldn't even be a division of religion or religion at all.
Then there are those who say they don't belong to a religion and so I question if they created their own god? If he was create by you, you should be able to produce him for inspection. Not usually the case I find, and most of the time they borrow a preconceived god but follow their own rules.