One cannot prove there isn't one either. And so what?

What color is your god? Is it large or small, can it fit in your pocket, who made this god, does it have a brand? How much does it cost? Do I get a choice of god, can I get the god of Abraham?


The result? Oh you mean pick and choose the worst examples, and pretend that's the norm?

Will god talk to me on mountain tops, give me a staff to split the red sea, grow trees in the desert so I can build a boat and float a pair of every critter on the planet.
Instead of Loaves and fishes can I get steaks and fries? I'll take two gods to go.

At a time when men would live to 50 years old the bible claimed they lived to be 137 I could go on for days and as I write there are scientist out there refuting Gods Word in these books every day.

These stories are simple absurd, but are the basis of these religions.

"Even in the valley of the shadow of death, two and two do not make six."
Leo Tolstoy

Therefore -- scientifically -- you aren't making any such assertions either (as to the definite non-existence of a creator). So where do we go from there then? [i doubt the phrase "Thou shalt not kill" appears in any physics book -- shall i now proclaim that therefore science books condone murder?]

I have no idea if there is or isn't some sort of creator, I'd like to meet his maker. When the evidence is presented I'll make my own determination. We as a species do not kill our own naturally, there were natural laws of preservation long before our species manufactured the supernatural. The books of Abraham are represented as the word of god. Anything I write is a product of my own deductions.

Oh I see. So, you're saying that your sister is trying to master the universe[?].

She belongs to a society that teaches the superiority of our species and that we were created in the image of god. So yes master of the universe is her belief. The universe revolves around her god, and she's a part of his master plan. If you are a follower of the Abrahamic traditions that is the directive.

Here's a fun read (except the math part): "Many-worlds interpretation". [can't say whether i agree or disagree... but it's a lot lighter reading than the quantum/religious entanglement going on here.]

There is much that I don't understand but I don't see anything on that page that goes beyond hypothesis. I doesn't say believe this or go to hell. Those folks are not interested in whether I tuned to the east when I think about them or ask me to bang my head on the floor. They're not recounting the words of Yahweh, God, Jesus, Mohammed or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


I would like to see our species unite.

I do not suspect that the religions of the world will ever concede to anyone's interpretation of god, other than their own. I suspect that the theory of a prime mover has exhausted itself and devolved into tit for tat and grasping at straws. On the other hand our species has moved on without religion in the most productive corners of our world. Some may need to fly a religious flag in theocracies, but if they're in pursuit of uncovering the mysteries of the universe they're most likely only role playing their piety for family reasons while dismantling the yarn.

As humans experience the productive methods required by scientific study, and grow to understand that reasoned outcomes, common purpose, with less competition, they will move further away from the mystic and closer to rational thought.