Gregg, I could with certainty easily find more evidence to make my point.

We could start with the story in the Garden of Eden.

Just look on-line and see for yourself how many gender equality organizations there are for the rights of Christian women, and then by contrast find somewhere men are seeking equality and justice.

One of Joe's points was that one would need to understand the culture of the time. He makes a valid point, but I do understand the era, and I have a background in Christian theology and still I arrive at the same conclusion.

Slavery of women in the US in the past 500 years was a product of Christian in America. It was Christian Europeans that brought most of the slaves here. It was Christian men who raped and exploited the slaves. It was Christians that inflicted genocide on 12 million Native Americans.

And I've not even touched upon the genocide of central and South American or Eastern Europe. Coming from a Christian background and many years of parochial schools, I know the history and the contradictions very well, and from my perspective one of the most destructive forces that ever plagued this planet, was and is, the Abrahamic religions. Through the eons Jews, Christian and Muslims have been butchering indigenous people around the globe using justifications of Gods will or Manifest Destiny to steal land, resources, labor, power, or money while trying to convince the world that they hold the moral high ground, the hypocrisy is enough the gag a maggot, and even today defenders turn a blind eye to history so they can feel secure in their destiny in the clouds.

If the US and Western Nations want to succeed in the 21st century they will have to shed this addiction and move on to reason and accountability.

Last edited by sandbox; 10/06/09 05:18 AM.