Originally Posted By: joemikeb

Christians in some communities were freeing their slaves, but those freedmen and women were forbidden to earn money, to own property, or even to beg for food or shelter. So freeing a slave was tantamount to a sentence of slow death by starvation and exposure to the elements.

I will also add that the letter of Paul's writings such as these can easily lead to the wrong conclusion, but the underlying principle these exemplify are as valid today as they were on the day they were written.

Joemikeb, your explanation is kinda silly. Your defending Paul and telling the world that Christians not only had slaves but also were condemning them to death with their own laws and rituals that didn't allow women to survive on their own.

I must have missed the part where God stepped in and stopped this tragedy.

Is there any written statements on gender equality in the bible, in practice or in the Abrahamic tradition for that matter? I produced the written evidence in the bible that confirm what Gregg had discounted. Tacit's comment was accurate.

I don't think I need to read Greek or Hebrew to understand the epistles. If I need clarification I'll have to resort to my many years of parochial education and scrape by on rusty Latin.