I recall standing at the end of a theatrical performance in London, England to sing "God Save Our Queen" and I had always assumed that was customary throughout the United Kingdom. National anthems are played at the presentation of medals at the Olympics. So the tradition of singing national anthems at events, including spring events, has a long and rich history.

Since 911, singing the Unite States national anthem at the beginning of all sorts of public events from baseball and football games to symphonic concerts as a symbol of our unity as a nation has become ubiquitous. I was unaware the practice was dictated by anything other than custom. What Herr Trump and his followers miss is our national anthem is in effect a tribute not only to the nation but to our constitution that GUARANTEES the individual right and privilege of legally protesting what any individual views as wrong or unjust. The NFL teams have clearly demonstrated the players, coaches, and owners recognize this guarantee and honor it. Sadly, this has also clearly demonstrated that our president is…
  1. Ignorant of the constitution he took an oath to protect and defend
  2. willing to flout the constitution by placing his own racial prejudices above it
  3. exercising his own freedom of speech to protest anyone else having freedom of speech.
Personally I think the actions of the NFL teams is a high point in professional sports and long may that continue. Maybe the political troglodytes in our country will get the message about the constitution they obviously missed in school.

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein