The Psychology of Grand was well understood in the early development of our species, like shock & awe. Show a sheep herder a huge building with colored glass and art they could have never imagined, fill the room with endless sounds of choirs or organs, let them touch the fine finished wood and stonework. have them smell the candles and oils and the senses will be overwhelmed causing and emotional response that some relate to spiritualism.

Follow me and this can be yours in paradise. The problem is that we are sensory creatures and when dead have no operating sensors. Why would a spirit need sensors? Why would a spiritual being need sensors? Could someone have a spiritual experience if they had no sensors?

Chemistry, or chemical energy creates the Felling of emotion that overwhelms our understanding of what our sensors are telling us and if your properly programmed the explanation will be a spiritual experience.

Without the program in place the experience would not be explained as spiritual, spirituality is learned through a nurturing process.

Originally Posted By: dkmarsh

Originally Posted By: crarko
Yup. My dog is better than your dog.

I don't consider myself religious, but I do consider myself to have, for want of a better word, a spiritual life...and that was a spiritual experience.

What constitues spirituality? Is it a vestigial remnant of the days when we sought to explain the unknown by creating divine or magical figures because we hadn't developed the tools to explain things rationally?

I think not, or at least not for me. I think spirituality is simply a different medium of perception, one in which understanding occurs emotionally rather than rationally. Otherwise, whence comes art? music? poetry?