At the moment I'm running on fumes.
Mozilla no longer supports Mac OS X Lion (10.7.5), so I'm perilously close to the edge of the abyss with respect to Firefox (and Thunderbird).
I'm using Firefox ESR 45.9.0 (and Thunderbird 45.8.0) and will continue to do so (despite potential security issues) since I won't be updating my OS in the foreseeable future in order to update my browser.

1. Even though Mozilla states that I cannot update to their latest Firefox and Thunderbird versions which "require Mac" OS X 9 or above, is it possible to install/update the newer versions under Lion?
2. What's the worst that can happen (and how likely is it to happen) if I carry on with the last versions of Firefox and Thunderbird which reliably function and are relatively secure in Lion?