I got this "Rocket Yard" article from Other World Computing this afternoon and it has a big section on APFS. As I read ab out the features APFS offers
  • Clones — the ability to make file copies on the same volume without occupying more storage space
  • Snapshots — that allow APFS to make a point in time read only instance of the file system
  • Native full disk encryption
  • Increased number of files
  • Crash protection — that avoids corrupted records that occur during a file update by writing new records instead of overwriting existing records in place
  • Space sharing — multiple logical volumes in the same container and containers tht can span multiple drives
I thought, "A file system that is faster, safer, conserves storage space, and is more reliable — what is not to like?"

"What is to be afraid of?"

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein