Originally Posted By: grelber
Even with all the meds.
Street lights have a rainbow circle with haze around them; not so with my cataractous eye.
It's going on 6 weeks since the surgery, so I'm close to calling it a "fail".

I can only imagine your frustration but as far as the street lights go, I had problems with street lights and especially headlights for nearly a year after my surgery. More annoying than anything serious, it sometimes made night driving difficult. I found BluBlocker "sun" glasses helped a lot. Later on I found some really expensive amber lens shooting glasses to be better albeit several times more expensive. Even though my surgery was 17 years ago and the street/head light halo long since disappeared, I still wear a pair of amber lens sunglasses when driving at night on all but the darkest country roads. If you try this I strongely urge you to avoid polarized lenses.

Last edited by joemikeb; 05/26/17 03:50 PM.

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