I checked out TOR (originally a Defense Advanced Projects Agency project) and according to Panopticlick when taken together with Badger (which installs from the Panopticlick site) it provides partial protection of the fingerprint at the medium level of protection and full fingerprint protection at the maximum level. The downside of all this is with medium level protection there are web sites that either will not work or will work only when specific permissions are given. At the top protection level a LOT of web sites will not work because so much functionality is turned off.

It routes through the TOR network and for example the routing to reach FineTunedMac is going from my browser to France, thence to the Netherlands, then to another Netherlands site, and finally to the internet. All that international routing does make it a touch slower. There are too many other security features to go into here, but if you are security conscious it is worth a look.

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein