Thanks Virtual/ Joe.

So if you have the https and padlock, and you go to bank, or Facebook etc, even from a random cafe in Senegal, you don't need the VPN correct? You are 99.99 % safe? You see https and a padlock.

Other than sites like my bank, and my Facebook passoword, and a few other site, I don't think I care if people see what sites I'm browsing on, I just don't want my password nabbed. That is my chief concern.

I can't imagine anyone in my apartment building looking into my browsing history, and I'm a paranoid guy generally speaking!
I just don't see that happening. But who knows?

I have not used Opera in a while, and did the update, but after that was done, it did not restart as it said it would and asked to update again, so I'm not bothering. Sounds nice though.

PS for maid scenario, I set up laptop to ask for password immediately, so if she opens it after I leave she wont be able to get in.

Last edited by kevs; 11/29/16 02:29 AM.