Imagine that atheist hold a "God Didn't Make Little Green Apples" convention in Miami on Sunday, an Adam atheist enthusiastically attends. Adam's not really devote, he just likes a pretty girl there and the Spaghetti dinner she serves, so he sits in the back alone while everyone at that convention sits close to the podium. Along comes a hurricane and everyone dies but Adam. Adam stands in the aftermath of a hurricane with death and carnage all around him and says, "boy, I'm lucky to be alive"

He tries to make sense of the reason he survived and comes up with a few possibilities. It could be the obvious difference in location or the fact that he jumped up the grab the balcony, or that he was wearing inflatable underwear. He concludes that it was all those reasons because after the storm had surged he fell out of the balcony into the standing water and his underwear kept him afloat. He swears that he will always wear inflatable underwear whenever he visits Miami and will recommend them in any emergency plan, so that they may save lives in the future.

Just down the street in another gathering of Church going Creationist, and Creato the creationist is attending, as he does every week, not because he's devote, but because he likes their brand of pasta and the smiling people who can sing in harmony.

Along comes the hurricane and kills everyone but Creato, and as he stands in the aftermath of death and carnage says, "thank god, god was looking out for me"
He doesn't try to figure out why he survived, it was gods will that everyone of those devote Creationist die and that he live. There is no lesson to learn, there is no action one could take, there are no preventive measures, just flow with it and fill your mind with the spirit of gods will.

Keep filling those spaces between thought until there is no room for reason, deduction or curiosity. Then fill the airwaves, and knock on doors selling god like the Fuller Brush Man so you can build a Glass Cathedral, a Vatican City or a Pyramid Tomb. Build Hospitals on tax-free prime property with donation money, fill them with Nuns working for free. Use your enormous financial wealth to leverage the bank notes and give tax loopholes to doctors who gather captive audiences of creation followers who donate time. There were and are large financial reasons for nonprofits to build medical facilities or schools subsidized by the government and donors. Capturing the creationist in their final hours also has it's benefits, the transfer of wealth to these facilities was and is enormous.

I understand that creationist get all warm and fuzzy when they think of Good, but if they studies the Good that inspires them they may begin to have doubts. Doubt at one time was called heresy and got you burnt at a stake, today you are just shunned and allotted no political power.

Noone know why there was a Big Bang, some are looking for a logical explanation, others want to feed their need with conclusions of father figures in the sky. Thinking members of our species choose to look for answers while dependent members settle for good feelings and a false sense of security.

It's an argument as old as our history and like all historical gods, this one will pass eventually.