Originally Posted By: grelber
There's supposedly an option to allow "non-intrusive advertising" under filter preferences, but I sure can't find it.

What's even more interesting (if not demonstrating the developer's chutzpah), especially in light of the article cited, is the following request:
"The developer of this add-on asks that you help support its continued development by making a small contribution. Suggested contribution: $5.00"

Good golly, Miss Molly!

I guess I mis-remembered the exact nature of the option...got it backwards, but if you haven't "allowed", I suppose that's why you don't see ads.

I wouldn't call it chutzpah, though, because the ads are user option, and with or without them, the add-on still serves a useful purpose.

(Actually, taking money from people to allow their ads to be opted out of is pretty good business.)

Last edited by artie505; 09/19/16 09:27 AM. Reason: Reflect grelber's edit

The new Great Equalizer is the SEND button.

In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire