There was some interesting speculation from a reputed expert in this mornings paper that Trump's continued complaints about the election process being rigged against him (i.e. debate schedules Hillary's nomination) are all laying the groundwork for...
  1. ...blaming his loss of the election on an "I was robbed 😢" sob story and/or
  2. …getting his people so worked up they will not accept his defeat creating a constitutionlal crisis and even a possible armed uprising to put The Donald into power unelected and therefore answerable to no one. 💀
The first proposition I find believable, however I am not convinced The Donald is smart enough to carry out so Machiavellian a plot as the second.

I have heard physicians who have said after watching The Donald on television if her were their patient they would order him to bed rest before he has a heart attack or stroke, and some have indicated they are seeing signs of early memory loss or even Alzheimer's. (However both may be wishful thinking.)

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein