I will second Ira's recommendation. Three other pluses for Maps...
  1. Maps now uses TomTom and their maps and mapping are excellent.
  2. Although Maps does not have a street view the satelite view seems cripser and sharper than Google Maps and at least around my area the satellite images are more recent that the ones in Google Earth or Maps.
  3. Maps links with the Apple Watch which taps you on the wrist when it is time to turn which makes it difficult to miss a turn even if you are distracted. (Don't ask me how I know. 😜
Although it is not yet in general release, Maps in iOS 10 is greatly improved, a lot easier to apprehend, and in IMHO the most user friendly of the current crop of competitors.

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein