Originally Posted By: ryck
Originally Posted By: Virtual1
B) there can be no appeal or retrial if you are found innocent

Canada also has jury nullification. However our countries differ in that a Canadian prosecutor can appeal the acquittal.

Originally Posted By: Virtual1
Northern juries found people illegally assisting with the escape of slaves innocent, and southern juries found black lynch mobs innocent. Two very concise, clear examples of jury nullification.

I saw that and thought it was also a good argument in favour of prosecutorial right to appeal.

That no-retrial rule only applies in criminal cases, not civil. I think in matters of criminal justice, the citizens need to be given the edge since it's already an unlevel playing field. (if you lose, you lose hard, but if you win, you don't win anything other than the right to be left alone)

If something like that happens in this era, the victims' families hit up the courts with civil suits and tend to win. (like OJ Simpson for one recent example)

I work for the Department of Redundancy Department