Originally Posted By: macnerd10
Now, a little defense for Tacit! His term "from scratch" should not be taken at face value. We cannot make proteins by a synthetic process because of their complexity. But we can make them in a test tube using isolated cell's protein synthesis machinery. This should be legitimate within "from scratch".

Then there's where we disagree. Disassembling a living 'organism' and borrowing its parts is *not* starting from scratch.

Re: "Mengele"

Okay, well, over the top maybe... but so was some of the reactions. Let's assume then that Venter has good intentions. Why his big rush to glory then? Didn't you [macnerd10] point out that the claim was a bit overstated? Anyway, power of that kind can easily end up running amok. Perhaps one of his less successful experiments winds up in a landfill, and then morphs into some new kind of moss or algae which turns out to be fatal to fish or something. [and unlike an ordinary chemical spill... this living mess keeps on growing.]

You know, even good old Einstein wasn't exactly "thrilled" about the A-Bomb.
And -- unless i'm mistaken -- Einstein made many a reference to God as well.